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The Owl Clock Tower

The Owl Clock tower is a fantasy/ DND based story using one of my character's designs that I named Riwure Alinac- Duras

Main Character Design


An unfinished reference drawing of the original character look


Original drawing (right) has a color pallet based on gold, black, and grey. The original character's color scheme involves a lot of ombré and gradients. The newer and most used drawing (left) improved on the color scheme. The most prominent difference is the tail. The tail on the right is thick while left is thinner with spikes.


Formal themed clothing

2022 Charater Edit...

Character Info

Name: Riwure Alinac- Duras

House(s): Alinac- Duras

Immediate House Members:

  • Malrai Alinac (Duras): Father

  • Zelaia Alinac: Mother

  • Yechen Vrakgar Alinac- Duras: Brother

The Imediate Family of House Alinac- Duras contains Riwure, Malrai, Zelaia, and Yechen. The house is a sub house of House Alsace and House Durage. Malrai originates from House Durage. Zelaia originates from house Alace. Bothe Malrai and Zelaia grew up together in the Clock Tower.


Yechen is Riwure’s older brother. He and Riwure contain half Teifling blood and Dragon Born blood. The Siblings get their looks from their mother, Zelaia, who is a teifling. Their father is a dragon born so the two inherited the additional horns from him. Yechen is 1 year older than Riwure and the siblings have a close bond with each other.


Riwure lived in Golden Peak Spire with her family. During her time their she had the best education so she could be a jack of all trades. The most prominent teachings were in history, literature, speech, and arcana.

Most of the inhabitants were religious and worshiped many different gods. The most prom in ate gods in the spire were the elder dragon shifter brothers Borin and Derdaron. These dragons passed a lot of wisdom and were worshiped for everything.

The brothers were the creators of the spire and the protectors. After a certain amount of time members will go to the dragons to help pave the way to their future.

The Story so Far...

   The genocide of the spire inhabitants happened because of Mutiny, greed and jelousy. The event took place between the four kingdom war. The conspires of of the genocide were pricess Hayner Rowan, Prince Edmund Hanover, and Riviere's ex-friend Brilaia.


   The three at them wanted to contain the power withing the spire and dragons to full fill their wants. Summoning a powerful demon the royals took advantage of Brilaia and used her as a vessel for the demon. During the take over the demon summoned armies to do its bidding, slaying countless people and one of the dragons, Bolrin.


   In order to save those left, Riviere makes her way to the dragon chamber and locks herself away with Derdaron, Yechen and 5 survivors. Der- opens a portal long enough for the survivors to get to an ally Kingdom. The only ones left are Der and' Riwure. During the escape Riwure shoots an arrow with the aid of Der's power to strike the demon. Part of the demon's soul- becomes trapped in the arrow. To get out Riwure collects the arrow and rides off on Der's back to safety. In order to keep their secret and for safety Der shifts in to the form' of an owl to be Riwur's companion. With the magic Riwure knows and the last of her energy she turns the demon soul into an orb and with Der's blessing can turn it into any weapon or item.


   Now that the spire is overrun it is Riwure’s job to take back her home. Riwure travels the kingdoms and different countries to figure out how to defeat the demon and stop the war along with the help of Der.

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